Four Corners Area
We spent spring break 2019 in the Four Corners Area (also known as the point where the states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona meet). The Four Corners area is known to have many dwelling ruins of America's past, ranging from pithouses from 1500 years ago to cliff dwellings of 800 years and a few natural features too, as we discovered.
We started our journey by flying into Albuquerque Sunport (ABQ) and renting a high-clearance car for the week. Unfortunately it was a 2WD, but that did not dampen our trip too much. Our first stop was to be Chaco Historical Park, about 3 - 3.5 hours drive north of ABQ. Unfortunately rain was in the forecast that day. I had read that the unpaved roads to Chaco was IMpassable when wet, even for a 4WD. When dry, a 2WD could make the trip. Hesitantly, we passed on this opportunity and spent the afternoon in old Town Albuquerque, which is quite charming in itself.
This trip cost us less than $1000 total (includes 5 roundtrip flights, car rental for 7 days, accommodations for 6 days, food, gas and entrance fees).